Average Rank in LOL

Average Rank in LOL: What Rank is Average League of Legends Player?

What is the average rank in LOL and where does the typical League player sit?

League of Legends (LoL) has become a global phenomenon, captivating millions of players from all walks of life. One of the most intriguing aspects of the game is the diverse player base, ranging from newcomers to seasoned veterans.

If you’ve ever wondered about the average rank of a League player, you’re not alone. In this article, we will explore the average League player rank, shedding light on the distribution of ranks and what it means for the LoL community.

The League of Legends Ranking System

Before discussing the average player rank, let’s briefly review the ranking system in League of Legends. In LoL, players are assigned a rank based on their performance in ranked matches. The ranking system features multiple tiers and divisions, each representing a different skill level.

The tiers, in ascending order, are: Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, Grandmaster, and Challenger. Within each tier, there are four divisions (except Master, Grandmaster, and Challenger), with Division I being the highest and Division IV the lowest.

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Average Rank in LOL

As of 2023, the average rank of a League of Legends player falls within the Silver and Gold tiers. These tiers encompass a wide range of players, from those who are relatively new to the game to those who have developed a good understanding of mechanics and strategy.

While the majority of players fall into the Silver and Gold tiers, it’s important to note that the distribution of ranks is not even. As you progress to higher ranks, such as Platinum, Diamond, Master, Grandmaster, and Challenger, the number of players becomes significantly smaller.

Average Rank in LOL

Factors Influencing Player Rank

Several factors influence a player’s rank in League of Legends:

1. Skill Level and Experience

Naturally, a player’s skill level and experience in the game play a crucial role in determining their rank. Players who have invested more time in the game, honing their mechanics, game knowledge, and decision-making, are more likely to achieve higher ranks.

2. Win Rate and Performance

Consistently winning ranked matches and performing well in-game are essential for climbing the ranks. A high win rate demonstrates a player’s ability to contribute to their team’s success and secure victories.

3. Ranked Matches Played

The number of ranked matches a player participates in also affects their rank. The more ranked games played, the more accurate the matchmaking system becomes in determining their skill level and appropriate rank.

4. Duo Queue or Solo Queue

Playing ranked matches as part of a duo queue (partnering with a friend) can impact a player’s rank. Duo queuing allows for better coordination and communication with a trusted teammate.

5. MMR (Matchmaking Rating)

Behind the scenes, LoL uses a hidden matchmaking rating (MMR) to match players with opponents of similar skill level. Winning against opponents with higher MMR can lead to larger LP gains and faster rank advancement.


The average rank in LOL centers around the Silver and Gold tiers, reflecting the diverse nature of the LoL community. While the majority of players fall within these tiers, it’s important to remember that each player’s journey and progress in the game are unique.

As players continue to improve their skills, gain experience, and climb the ranks, they contribute to the vibrant and competitive landscape that is the world of League of Legends. Whether you’re a newcomer aiming to climb the ranks or an experienced player seeking to reach new heights, the journey is part of the excitement that makes LoL a thrilling and captivating game for players worldwide.
